Onions from Egypt Numbers 11:1-5
One of my friends sent me a stamp from UAR (United Arab Republic) - a unity of Syria and Egypt that was established in the late '50s. The stamp depicted an onion, and that reminded me of a verse in the Book of Numbers that says that the Hebrews "complained... we remember the fish which we ate freely in Egypt... the onions and the garlic" (Numbers 11:1-5 ESV). So, I love collecting stamps, and I love studying the Bible - why can't I combine those Two loves into One?! So, I got my self an Interleaved Bible Journal Edition, and I am going to create my own Bible depicting stamps that are related (sometimes indirectly) to the verses on each page! I know that it will never be complete - there are over 17,000 stamps showing horses, and not that many mentions in the Scripture, but I want you, the readers, to suggest matches between stamps and verses. What I have so far is a few stamps from Egypt with those verses in mind, a stamp from Barbados (1987) showing the Ten Command...