Onions from Egypt Numbers 11:1-5
One of my friends sent me a stamp from UAR (United Arab Republic) - a unity of Syria and Egypt that was established in the late '50s. The stamp depicted an onion, and that reminded me of a verse in the Book of Numbers that says that the Hebrews "complained... we remember the fish which we ate freely in Egypt... the onions and the garlic" (Numbers 11:1-5 ESV). So, I love collecting stamps, and I love studying the Bible - why can't I combine those Two loves into One?!
So, I got my self an Interleaved Bible Journal Edition, and I am going to create my own Bible depicting stamps that are related (sometimes indirectly) to the verses on each page! I know that it will never be complete - there are over 17,000 stamps showing horses, and not that many mentions in the Scripture, but I want you, the readers, to suggest matches between stamps and verses.
What I have so far is a few stamps from Egypt with those verses in mind, a stamp from Barbados (1987) showing the Ten Commandments as they are in a Synagogue that was established in 1654, hundreds of stamps for the Birds of Prey that are discussed in Leviticus Chapter 11 and Deuteronomy Chapter 14, and so many stamps from Israel that actually have a verse (or part of a verse) on the stamp or on its tab (AKA SHOVAL), a cute Souvenir sheet from Sierra Leone showing Jonah about to be swallowed by a Whale (1996), and many more!
Looking forward to sharing more specific additions in the following blogs!
Interleaved Bible was created for study, mostly, but also for journaling. The way it works is that between every 2 pages printed, there is a blank page to write on or add photos etc. so, I am adding my stamps!
ReplyDeleteMy profile picture is a French stamp (1963) showing a painting by Eugène Delacroix from 1850 titled "Jacob Wrestling with the Angel" which we read about this past Shabbat morning!