Tying a knot to remember important things
In Numbers Chapter 15 (verses 37-41) G-d spoke to Moses telling him to instruct the Children of Israel (AKA the Jewish People) to tie strings at the corners of a Four-corner Garment (like the Roman Toga or the Prayer Shawl known as a Tallit). Normally, the Law (Word of G-d or Torah) does not tell us what the reason is for a Commandment, however, in this law of the fringes – the Torah says that the purpose of the commandment is "that you may look upon it and remember all the commandments of the Lord..." (Numbers 15:39). How does looking at these strings supposed to remind us of the other statutes & laws of the Law?! Many years ago, I was told about South American Native Tribes who used to send (secret) messages through strings that were knotted in a certain way, and could only be decoded by an elder where the message was received. You can read more about this here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quipu As a teenager, I was fascinated by secret languages & codes, ...