Tying a knot to remember important things

 In Numbers Chapter 15 (verses 37-41) G-d spoke to Moses telling him to instruct the Children of Israel (AKA the Jewish People) to tie strings at the corners of a Four-corner Garment (like the Roman Toga or the Prayer Shawl known as a Tallit). 

Normally, the Law (Word of G-d or Torah) does not tell us what the reason is for a Commandment, however, in this law of the fringes – the Torah says that the purpose of the commandment is "that you may look upon it and remember all the commandments of the Lord..." (Numbers 15:39). How does looking at these strings supposed to remind us of the other statutes & laws of the Law?!
Many years ago, I was told about South American Native Tribes who used to send (secret) messages through strings that were knotted in a certain way, and could only be decoded by an elder where the message was received. You can read more about this here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quipu
As a teenager, I was fascinated by secret languages & codes, and I have read all of Dan Brown's novels (The Da Vinci Code etc.).

So, the stamp shown here was issued in April of 1979 in Canada to remind people of the use of a Postal Code (there's that word again!) and how it would help the Postmen and Postwomen to sort and locate the address quicker! After almost 4 years (end of 1974) of introducing the Alpha-Numerical Six Digit as Canada's new system – only 38.2% of the population were remembering to add it to the addresses they were sending mail to. Therefore, over the next 5 years Canada Post had an advertising campaign which culminated in printing this stamp of a Female hand with a ribbon tied to the pointing finger. Until today, even though I own the other stamp, issued on the same day, of a Male hand – I never noticed the difference, which is that the four other fingers have longer nails than that of a Man's hand!

Sure enough, as the previous paragraphs suggest, tying a knot can be very helpful in reminding us to do something, and this is the connection between postal codes and the fringes in the corners of our garments! Even though most religious men who wear this TALLIT KATAN ("mini" prayer shawl) under their shirts, do not know how to tie these strings – we can be assured that they will remember G-d's commandments, and not do something in public that they would be embarrassed to do while wearing such a garment that identifies them as religious men!  


  1. Love this, thnx Brother. I think the female hand was added because the mail hand probably only make people feel like "oh no, more laws" while the female is more gentle, and caring.


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